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Wedding Mixes: Wedding DJ Bring It On!

Date Added: November 18, 2009 12:00:16 PM
Author: Milnas Ski
Category: Entertainment

Wedding is one of the happiest moments one can experience. This is the reason why its celebration calls for the best party one can give. During the celebration, wedding traditions shall not be absent. Most awaited among these traditions is the first dance of the married couple.

As much as possible, the first dance must be memorable and romantic. You cannot remove the word �fun� during this time. Some couple plan to have a dance song really worth remembering. The use of favorite songs and the latest dance craze music or steps are the usual options. If you want non-stop music played by professionals, then hire the service of a disc jockey.

Disc Jockeys or DJs for short can make your wedding party absolutely amusing and entertaining. They can really turn that music on to the highest beat. They make wedding mixes. They turn your slow music to the sound of dance music. They can make your favorite love song that shaped your love story into a groovy music that suits your dance party during your wedding.

Wedding mixes is a new approach used by newlywed couple in choosing the best music during the reception and their first dance. It is simply revising a song to create new one. Remixing is commonly used in dance clubs and in composing new music, usually hip hop music. Wedding mixes is just a new idea that adds new color, fun, memories, laughter and entertainment to your wedding. It can be used either during the wedding entrance or during the reception when the couple is about to be introduced.

Several websites offer music mixing for wedding events. You can see variety of their sample of mixes. They offer tips on how to choose songs. They provide MP3 format songs in compact disks for your wedding celebration. There are several types of music that the mixer would suggest to you. It includes classical to modern music. The top wedding mixes songs are Abba�s Dancing queen, Gloria Gaynor�s I will survive, Kool and the Gangs� Celebration, Kenny Loggin�s Footlose, Beatle�s Twist and Shout, Jerry Lee Lewis� Great ball of fire, Elvis Prestley�s Hound dog or Don�t be cruel and Wild Cherry�s Play that funky music. These common and top choices will surely make your wedding day totally fun and memorable.

Here are some suggestions on what songs to choose for your wedding mixes:

1.Use lively songs, those who can bring all the guests on their feet. DJs know these songs.

2.Your favorite list of songs that shaped your relationship leading to your marriage is a great choice. Music mixers can make it the way you want it to be. They know how the magic of mixing music works.

3.Use music that all your guests will enjoy. It should be known by all ages from young to old.

4.Wedding dances are supposed to be fun so make sure that the music you choose can make your guests get up and dance to the beat of the music. Wedding song mixes mixed by the DJs can really bring the house down with its jiving music.


Milosz is author of this article on Funny First Dance. Find more information about First Dance Surprise here.


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