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Know the Divorce Rules

Date Added: June 19, 2009 12:09:04 PM
Author: Thomas Michaels
Category: Blogs: Law
The trauma of divorce at times is unavoidable. There are many issues that require immediate legal assistance. These include alimony and child custody issues. Do you want to know more about it? Then read on..

Alimony issues also play an important role during a divorce. This refers to the amount that is paid by one ex-spouse to the other. Some also call this maintenance law or spouse support. Initially courts had a tendency of deciding on the alimony amount directly proportional to the number of year stayed together. But recently the trend is shifting. Now limited duration marriages draw maximum alimony. A spouse who is economically at a disadvantage receives this amount. Alimony is also more common in cases where one parent desires to stay home to care for the children for a period of time.

The rate of divorce has increases manifold over the years. Most educated couples believe that it is better to have divorce than a broken marriage. A divorce is always a very difficult and serious decision for any couple. Irrespective of the time that they have spent in matrimony, divorce can be tough proposition. Not only does it tax the concerned parties mentally and economically but there are other important issues like child custody, property share and alimony to be settled.

Divorce Recovery Suite is a private organization which provide all the information and help that a couple requires prior to divorce and after it. Their comprehensive site includes divorce laws, child support and custody, legal separations, child visitation rights, divorce settlements, grounds for divorce, separation agreements, definitions of adultery, recovery from divorce, child welfare after divorce and a chat room that provides a passionate help to all the couples who are undergoing this uncomfortable process.

The visitors to the site can also get hold of state specific divorce laws and regulations, simple interpretation of the complex laws, live chat and video room where people can share their experiences and problems. Visitors are encourages to listen to others problems and provide solutions to those problems. You also get assess to a country wide list of divorce and separation attorneys, counselors, physical and spiritual healing methods, father's and grandparents' rights and solutions to issues of parental alienation. They have regular updated information on the site.

Child support is an important issue in a divorce case. The laws across the various states of USA are more or less uniform on this. There are various child support programs and funding by the state. Most follow the Family Support Act of 1988 to the core. The main motto of this law is that the interest of the child will prevail over all other’s interest. Payment for child support is calculated on the basic of three formulas. The first is Income Shares. This is the most used formula where an estimate of the total amount required for raising a child properly is calculated. Then the both the parents income is calculated and a certain percentage is fixed for the child fund. The second method is called Percentage of Obligor Income. This is based on the non custodian’s income. The third method is known as Delaware-Melson method. This allows the clause of ability to pay in the process. Some states like Massachusetts use a hybrid of all these methods. The main purpose of all these laws is to make sure that the child re
ceives the best education and lifestyle.

Thomas Michaels is author of this article on divorce recovery . Find more information about divorce chat rooms here.


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